Onboarding Reimagined
In our most recent analysis, new Sales Nooglers (also known as Nooglers) rated themselves at 60% job ready. With over 2,000 new Googlers joining the Global Business Operations Sales force annually who have the potential to touch and impact $25B+ of our ad revenue, every day a Noogler isn’t job ready greatly impacts Google’s growth. In addition, as the world evolved, sales skills are becoming even more important than technical skills, even at Google.
In this session, Leah Schachar, Global Head of Google Sales School, will explain how her team restructured the Google Sales onboarding experience, turning the program into a world-class experience that enables a Nooglers to be job ready and drives the future of Google's growth. Join this session to hear the steps they’ve taken, key learnings and decisions made, as well as the challenges they still face.